About WorldServe

We believe in a powerful faith, that Christ transforms lives and communities!

For 50 years, WorldServe has been empowering international churches.

Young children smiling for the camera

Together, we can serve the world

WorldServe Ministries started in 1976 under the name “Living Bibles International of Canada.”
We have distributed millions of Bibles to churches in need throughout the world.
Over the years, our relationships and ministry with persecuted churches in Asia, Africa, and Latin America grew!

We began partnering with local church leaders to provide emergency disaster relief,
children’s ministry programs, and much more. With you, we equip these churches with tools and resources to meet urgent needs,
share about Jesus, and create lasting change in their communities.  

We’re committed with you

At WorldServe Ministries, we strive to maximize the impact of every donation by minimizing administrative costs. For specific project donations, 90% of your donation goes directly to fund the project that benefits persecuted believers and vulnerable communities. The remaining 10% is used for project leadership and oversight. We also encourage operating cost donations to offset projects, and have an amazing Thrift Store team committed to ministry projects and operating costs.

Effective Ministry

We know it’s important to you that your donation is used effectively. It’s important to us, too.

We take our commitment to you and to our international partners very seriously, ensuring every dollar entrusted to us is maximized to its greatest potential.

Our Annual Reports are called Gratitude Reports because they reflect our deep appreciation and thankfulness for the support and generosity of donors and partners throughout the year. These reports are more than just a compilation of financial information and program outcomes; they are a celebration of the impact of our collective efforts!

I love partnering with WorldServe because they are actively involved in areas of the world helping the under trodden and the “underdog”.

They bring hope to people who are crying for help and God hears that cry and answers that cry from us as donor partners and the many dedicated people working with WorldServe.

‐ Dave