CCCC Seal of Accountability

WorldServe is certified by the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities.

Charities that display the CCCC Seal of Accountability demonstrate ongoing compliance with high standards of financial and organizational integrity.  When you see the Seal, you can give confidently and generously.

Young children smiling for the camera

Because WorldServe is certified by the CCCC, there are a few things you can expect:​

  1. ACCOUNTABILITY. Certified charities hold themselves accountable to Christ, to governing authorities, to CCCC, to donors, and to the public.
  2. TRANSPARENCY. Certified charities agree to provide a copy of their most recent audited financial statements to anyone who requests them.
  3. EXCELLENCE. Certified charities follow a commitment to excellence in resource management, donor relationships, program evaluation, and governance.
  1. RESPECT. Certified charities recognize that their donors are people. They commit to respecting the interests and dignity of the donor in every interaction.
  2. RESPONSIVENESS. Certified charities will welcome your questions, respect your complaints, and provide prompt answers.