Impact Story

Dreams Lead Abeba to Miracle and Faith Transformation

Abeba* couldn’t walk since the birth of her child two years ago. She felt hopeless after exhausting all her options to find healing.

One night she had a dream that changed her life. During it, she was taken to the Christian church in her area— somewhere she’d never gone before as a devout follower of another religion. After being carried into the church, she would miraculously begin to walk! After having the same dream 5 times, Abeba knew she needed to confide in her husband about it. As much as she feared his reaction about going to a Christian church, she felt deep in her heart that something was happening bigger than their beliefs.

To her shock, Abeba’s husband confessed that he too was having the same dream! Unable to ignore the pull to the church any longer, they went and met Pastor Haile*. He told them about Jesus Christ’s amazing love and sacrifice, something they never knew about. Being raised in another religion, they were taught to fear Christians, but here in the church they were amazed to be filled with inexplainable peace.

Pastor Haile prayed for Abeba and she stood, completely healed! The couple knew this was the work of the one true God, someone they likely wouldn’t have met without your partnership with Pastor Haile.

The entire community was shocked to see Abeba walking again after 2 whole years! Even though it was risky to do so, she joyfully and fearlessly testified to everyone about how Jesus restored both her earthly body and her eternal spirit. Thank you for partnering with Haile, and many more pastors like him, serving in difficult areas that need the Gospel!