Zoya* pulled her head covering close to conceal her face. She didn’t dare risk anyone from the mosque seeing her. She knew the consequences would be grave if caught. Checking that no one was watching, she entered the home of Liya*, an Evangelist you support.
They first met shortly after Zoya had her child. Although they were virtually strangers and from entirely different religious backgrounds, Liya visited often and helped as she was able. This simple act of love deeply affected Zoya—she couldn’t stop thinking about it! The idea of women pooling their resources to help her was truly touching in the midst of economic strife their country faced.
She was immediately met with warmth and hospitality upon entering Liya’s home. Zoya asked questions all about Jesus and learned how His unconditional love brings peace forever. She was so moved, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour that day!
Your partnership with Liya produces miraculous results in her small village. More and more families become connected to the local church and find relationship with God through her evangelism. But it’s not without risk—Liya courageously serves in the face of great persecution. Many accept Christ in secret and share the Gospel in the shadows to stay safe.
Liya continues to build relationships, share the Gospel, and serve in her village because of your support! Thank you for being a part of Liya’s ministry and Zoya’s testimony!