Community Projects Support local churches as they work together to be beacons of care, serving those around the world who are most vulnerable.
The Need Story
As churches come together and reach out into their local communities, they begin to see the needs of the people around them. From the lack of healthy regular meals when food is scarce and vulnerable children and adults lacking in support for their needs, to an increase in divorce because of relationships breakdown. Some of the people WorldServe supports are dealing with trauma due to war, rape and abuse, and churches lack the resources, training and facilities to meet some of these needs. Churches also often need training both in evangelism and how to disciple new believers that come to faith through their evangelistic endeavours.
The Solution Story
WorldServe connects you to local churches that are engaging with projects that reach into their local communities. These programs help bring life and vitality back to communities that have suffered economic crisis, have been ravaged by the trauma of war or community breakdown. Indigenous churches reach out with projects that help transform both lives of individuals and community life. Projects and training are being set up that help churches engage faithfully with new believers and transition a church into a discipleship culture.
Partnership Impact
Community Projects, supported by people like you, have helped the church care for community and have seen tens of thousands of people come to faith! In some regions over 70% of those coming to faith are still in church and being discipled one year later.
Unleash the empowerment and sustainability of Community Impact today by supporting monthly:
- $20 per month help resource a community project in a region of adversity.
- $55 per month empowers our Indigenous leaders to travel and provide training to new communities
- $1000 per month provides the resources to impact 4 new communities.
- Commitment to regular and consistent prayer for Church communities.
Let’s Partner!
- Community projects are rooted in faith and action, aligning with biblical principles of strengthening the local church, generosity, and reaching communities with the practical love of Jesus
- With a track record of measurable impact, we ensure transparency and accountability in every dollar you invest.
- By partnering with local churches to fulfil their mission of transforming lives by creating healthy & sustainable families & communities.
- When you partner with a Community Project you will receive regular updates on the work. See the difference your partnership makes!
Your partnership will transform and make lasting changes for churches, families, and communities in need. Whether through financial support, prayer, or advocacy, you can play a vital role in this mission. Through Christ, we can be part of empowering churches, transforming lives, and building a sustainable future.